The Birth of a Conspiracy Theory

Search for Godly Truth
2 min readDec 24, 2020

“I wonder if,” “It seems to me.” or “It sure looks like” are the best phrases to start a new conspiracy theory. With just a few well-placed facts mingled with completely unsupported assumptions, anyone can start the fire of a rumor.

Let’s see. It sure seems like Trump and his administration wanted herd immunity from the Covid-19 virus. It’s almost like they wanted everyone to contract the illness. With over 330 million persons in the US, and the rate of severe cases is 1 in 6. Then 55 million people would have severe symptoms of Covid-19 and need hospitalization.

Then somewhere, over 990,000 people would die. If the hospitals were overwhelmed, as they are right now, then this number would increase.

Long haulers, people who recover from Covid-19, test negative, but continue to have debilitating symptoms, are about 10% of the total cases. If all 330 million people contract Covid-19, those with the debilitating symptoms would be 33 million.

I did look up the Covid-19 figures. And the population of the US.

It only makes sense from the standpoint of white supremacists, the federalist society, and the rich that herd immunity would solve several problematic issues. Most of the deaths would be over 65 or non-whites of any age. The demise of so many elderly or infirm could relieve the social security and government pensions of millions of dollars annually.

Without medicare, so-called long haulers of Covid-19 would be out of work with no insurance and no way to pay for medical care. Meaning, many of them would soon die, leaving only the strongest poor to continue slaving away their lives for the wealth of the 1%.

Of course, many would protest and demand change, but martial law should take care of that. Soon, the decades of voter suppression, wage suppression, and rigged elections will do their job leaving the Trump empire to cut a wide swath through our nation.

As you can see, it is plausible. It even makes sense if you base your assumptions correctly. Herd immunity is a great way to turn the United States into a dictatorship similar to Russia. Assuming it is all about cruelty, white supremacy, greed and corruption, and return to slavery, then yes, it makes perfect sense.

None of the previous statements (other than the Covid-19 numbers) were investigated or verified. But a grand conspiracy theory never is.

