The Charges Against Trump, His Administration, and the GOP

Search for Godly Truth
4 min readApr 3, 2020

For the last 4 years, Trump has consistently lied to the American people. Truth has not been found near him. His administration and the GOP that enables him are complicit in his crimes.

The charges against Trump, His Administration, and the GOP

How can we hold the Republicans, the GOP, and the Trump White House staff and administration accountable? Investigations need to begin now to address the many charges which will be levied against all players in the demise of our society.

Senator Schumer and House Speaker Pelosi need to fight for the right to vote by mail for every American. And ballots need to be created now for the rest of the primaries and prepare for the general election in November.

Congressman Adam Schiff needs to continue to make lists of all of the wrongdoing that has been listed by Citizens for Ethics and others. How can we know what all has gone wrong without investigations?

We demand change and we demand the right to vote from home!

Add to this list below and demand our representatives begin investigation, begin reparations, and holding them accountable.

How many charges against Trump can be made?

  1. inciting violence through rhetoric
  2. lies about everything
  3. retaliation against his enemies
  4. collaborating with foreign governments
  5. taking payments from foreign and domestic entities not in the interest of the American people
  6. incarceration of innocent immigrants seeking asylum breaking international laws
  7. inhumane treatment of immigrants at the border, at detention centers, and at “round-ups”, we don’t know where the girls are, we don’t know how many have died because they stopped reporting it, we have thousands of children alone with no hope to find their families
  8. blocking visas and green cards of credible persons while ushering in people who benefit him
  9. blocking Obamacare/health care from Americans, going to court to remove it and allow high-priced under-insured plans for anyone who can pay
  10. blocking pandemic relief, hurricane relief, disaster relief, and any kind of help for the people living here
  11. Giving health aids to businesses to sell to states instead of coming to the aid of the American people
  12. Charging American people when he pays golf, which costs over a 100 years worth of presidential salary.
  13. Overruling security clearance rules to enable his family access and to be in charge of our government.
  14. Allowing any business or individual who pays access to him
  15. Republican senators and congressmen who take bribes from NRA, Super-PACs, and corporations to steal from taxpayers and give to the rich.
  16. Installing unqualified judges in every appointed spot they can, including the supreme court
  17. Obstruction of justice, non-compliance with any house hearings, under impeachment or any other premise.
  18. Ignoring the pandemic, making money from it, and blaming anyone but himself for his shortsightedness while people die alone.
  19. Passing the tax cut for the 1% while gouging the poor and destroying our economy.
  20. Allowing business to pour money into stock buy-backs and outrageous executive salaries.
  21. Crimes against climate change, reducing and eliminating regulations to provide for a cleaner environment.
  22. Bailing out American farmers by giving most of the money to corporate farms and foreign farms, not the average farmer who needed it.
  23. Starting trade wars, alienating our allies, starting wars with rhetoric, pulling out of the Paris and Iran treaties, creating true isolationist world politics by creating distrust with every nation except the dictators.
  24. Watching news on television instead of paying attention to briefings. Making decisions based on news stories instead of facts. Showing how incompetent he is.
  25. Creating unhealthy relationships with the press, Fox news commentators and hosts, creating distrust in the media, and misleading the American people.
  26. Destroying the integrity of our justice system by allowing an Attorney General who lies and spreads hate. Urging racists to hold positions in the border patrol, the police forces, and the military. Coming after anyone who blows a whistle at wrongdoing.
  27. Appointing cabinet members who are not only unqualified to hold their positions but uniquely motivated to dismantle the government positions under their control.
  28. Making our country unsafe by allowing racist violence to flourish, refusing to address gun control and reasonable rules, and continually stoking the racist fires through tweets and speeches.
  29. Removing women’s rights one at time while denigrating women who hold positions of power.
  30. Allowing the Senate to push through their agendas to make money for themselves and the ones who pay them (not the taxpayers or the people they should be serving)

There should be more. Leave a comment below with more charges.

